The pattern can be downloaded from here.
Before you jump in to make a Grug of your very own here are a few disclaimers:
- Grug is a copyrighted character so you cannot sell the complete toy or the pattern.
- The instructions (pages 1 - 4) are on A4 size pages and the pattern pieces (pages 5 - 7) are on A3 size pages.
- The difficulty level of this pattern would be for an intermediate to experienced sewer. I have made some assumptions of knowledge when writing the instructions.
- I have not personally tested this pattern (I hate using furry fabrics) so if someone would like to volunteer to pattern test it would be greatly appreciated.
- If you encounter any errors please let me know and I will update the pattern.
- Grug is just over 30cm tall when completed.
awwwww i love grug xoxoxoox